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How to get help with leaking

As a new mother, staying active is so powerful in supporting your mental and physical wellbeing. But are concerns about leaks stopping you from making the most of moving your body? Whether you’re worried about little bladder leaks or the return of your period, it’s understandable why you might be lacking the confidence to come to class - but exercise can help to strengthen your pelvic floor and regulate your hormones, so we always encourage new mothers to come back once they feel ready!

When you do return to class, you might automatically reach for traditional pads to keep your leaks in check - but there could be a better, healthier way to feel secure. Nixi Body leak-proof underwear were created by mother of 6 Kelly Newton, who struggled with bladder leaks after the birth of her first two children. Here Kelly tells us why leak-proof underwear are better for you - and the planet - compared to traditional pads.

Leak-Proof Knickers are more sustainable…

By now we are probably all aware of the impact that disposable incontinence and period pads are having on the environment, but if you’re not - here’s a little reminder. Did you know that a packet of pads contains the same amount of plastic as your average carrier bag? 200,000 tonnes of waste from incontinence and period care products are landfilled each year in the UK and let’s not even get into how much ends up in our oceans.⁠ The manufacture of disposable pads also uses a lot of energy, especially as companies are churning them out at volume. The fuel burned to create these products is yet another ripple effect that damages the environment.

As a new mother, you’re probably even more conscious of the impact your choices have on the planet that you want your little one to inherit. Leak-proof underwear gives you even more security than pads and without a side of eco-guilt.

Leak-Proof Knickers are more discreet…

This is a huge one for us! When I first started dealing with incontinence, disposable pads were one of the only options on the market. They made me feel like I was wearing a nappy and - thanks to the tell-tale lines and bulkiness - it looked like I was wearing one too. Add on top of that the rustle they made that made it sound like I had shoved crisp packets down my pants, and it showed me that disposable pads were hardly discreet. Our leak-proof knickers look and feel exactly like ‘normal’ pants and are so discreet no one would know the difference. Our Sporty range has a scalloped edge that makes them totally VPL free- perfect for wearing under gym leggings or yoga pants!

Because they’re so discreet you can wear them all the time and with anything. That means you’re always prepared if a little leak tries to ruin your day.

Leak-Proof Knickers are better for your health…

Disposable pads aren’t only bad for the planet - they're bad for your body too. Whilst there are some organic options out there now, many traditional pads are full of toxins that have no place being between your legs. Conventional incontinence pads often contain harmful chemicals such as phthalates, bisphenol and pesticides. Whilst it’s usually in small doses, sustained exposure can be bad news for your health and your hormones - as many of these are endocrine disruptors. New motherhood is already a hormonal rollercoaster, so you don’t need chemicals making them even more imbalanced!

Leak-proof knickers are not only free-from chemicals, but they are made from a breathable fabric that lets your vulva and vagina get the ventilation it needs to stay happy and healthy.

Leak-Proof Knickers save you money…

Did you know that the average woman spends over £6000 on period care products in her lifetime? And that’s even before you include any products related to bladder leaks! Our knickers may carry a higher initial price tag, but you could buy one for each day of the week and wear them for years. In the long-term, you will save money (and the planet) by swapping from disposables. Also, let’s not underestimate the admin of popping to the shops when you realise you have run out of pads - no new Mum needs another thing on their to-do list!

If you’re looking for leak-proof protection and are ready to make the swap from disposable incontinence pads to our knickers - check out our full range today and get 15% off your order with the code BREATHNIXI

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