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Young Couple Expecting

This wonderful Birth Prep & Hypnobirthing workshop delivers all the essentials for a positive, physiological, and empowering birth experience. A fabulously proven workshop that combines the best active birth preparation and hypnobirthing techniques in one package so that you can birth your baby with confidence and ease.

As you may already know, hypnobirthing is a highly effective and positive approach to childbirth preparation, one that supports all birth outcomes, including complex and challenging births.​  

If you want to increase your opportunity for a calmer and natural birth, look no further.

This contemporary antenatal education is logical, simple, and practical, ensuring you are equipped with all the holistic tools and techniques to enhance your childbirth toolkit.
​Enjoy a daily practice that uses words in a more gentle, positive, and focused way, enabling you to let go of the negatives surrounding birth and to develop a stronger mindset as you connect with your innate feminine power and your birth partner bursting with confidence.​


This workshop is ideal to start between weeks 20 and 30 of your pregnancy, allowing sufficient time to embody the techniques and to prepare the mind.

Hypnobirthing Workshop with Blume Wellness

Birth Prep & Hypnobirthing

Upcoming Workshops

After our first call with Randa my partner and I just felt the so positive about the birth of our first child… I don’t think I realised I could feel that excited about something so monumental! A baby has to come out of my body and I feel EXCITED! We decided Randa is an extremely special person before even starting the course.Everything was explained to us in a way that was magical and powerful yet totally doable. It was positive and filled us with optimism without sugar coating the reality of the fact it is child birth. I think through all the information out there be that books, online, social media, people’s opinions etc it’s easy to feel overwhelmed rather than empowered. Randa seemed to condense and simplify things we’ve been researching. Not only did it confirm some of our ideas, we learnt a lot just in that one call. We’re completely buzzing about these last few months now knowing it’ll be filled with Randa’s Hypnobirthing course, yoga sessions and just her fab support.

Don’t underestimate the importance of having the right person in your corner 🙏."

Jill & Jamie 

Workshop Content:



What is Hypnobirthing

The uterus at birth

The power of the mind 

What is the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system?



Breathing for Birth

 Pelvic floor exercises

Perineal massage

How to prevent tearing 

Baby Positions

Active Birth Positions


Birth Physiology

What is a physiological birth?

Learn how to create and own your birth space​ and how to transition from home to hospital in your bubble


The Journey 

Know your choices and their implications from evidence-based facts and how the maternity system works

Intervention & Induction

Reframing due dates

Onset of labour


The Birth

What are all your birthing options and where can you have your baby

Home Birth / Birth Centre / Consultant Unit

Various stages of labour

Golden hour


More tools

Meditations & Affirmations

How and when to use them

What to pack for the birth 

Tools & techniques for your birth partner

Postnatal preparation 

PLUS so much more!!

Hypnobirthing Benefits

  • Hypnobirthing supports ALL births

  • Releases any fears you may have about childbirth, no matter how they originated

  • Creates an integral role for the partner/birth companion helping them to feel confident and more supportive 

  • Promotes fewer breech presentations and other special circumstances

  • May reduce the length of the first stages of labour by several hours

  • Less or no medication is required

  • Less medical intervention is required

  • It helps normalise blood pressure levels

  • Reduced physical risk of tearing, pelvic floor damage, or episiotomy

  • Reduced fear and anxiety

  • Reduction in reported pain experienced

  • Feel calm, relaxed, and more in control

  • Feel confident and informed when dealing with medical staff

  • Feel confident to talk to medical staff

  • Results in a much calmer, more alert baby who can feed and sleep well


Trust your body's innate wisdom and intuition to birth your baby 



MANUAL | A manual with all the course content.

AUDIOS | Get exclusive access to guided breathing techniques and meditations 

BOOKS | 2 fabulous books - 1 written by Dr Sara Wickham & the other by Katherine Greeves

BONUS GIFTS|You'll receive access to our Pregnancy & Birth Digital Bundle worth £27 


ZOOM | 2 weeks after the workshop completion, join me for a 1-hour Zoom session to answer any further questions, if you need me.

WhatsApp & EMAIL SUPPORT | Just because the workshop ends it does not stop there! I will continue to hold space for you and support you via text, WhatsApp and email to answer all your questions until the end of the 4th trimester. I want you to feel as confident as ever giving birth and in motherhood.

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