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Top Ten Benefits for Practicing Pregnancy Yoga


Let's start this off with a little question; have you invested some time to prepare for your birth?

How you birth your baby will impact the rest of your life and it will have an impact on how you share your experience about childbirth with your child later on. I repeatedly tell all my pregnancy clients, that if you invest in your pregnancy by dedicating some time to yoga, it will pay off tenfold in the future!

There will never be any regrets for each breathing technique you learn and practice, for each pose that relieves those ailments that are bothering you, or for learning a new birthing position that will be useful during labour! The list goes on…

Here are my top 10 pregnancy yoga benefits:

1. It is safe enough to practice throughout your pregnancy

Pregnancy Yoga classes are designed specifically for pregnant women and are suitable for all stages of pregnancy. When you nourish yourself with a pregnancy yoga practice, it is very important that you keep the pace gentle and listen to your own body. The classes will support you emotionally and physically, plus will help you become more resilient during and after pregnancy.

2. It will help you discover Breath Awareness

Breathwork is an incredibly powerful and essential part of pregnancy yoga. Learning to breathe properly for birth will keep you calm, focused and more able to make empowered decisions.

3. The focus changes from stability rather than flexibility

Due to the hormone relaxin in your body we focus on creating stable joints by keeping your muscles strong, rather than increasing levels of flexibility.

4. It helps to strengthen a positive self-image and builds trust that your body is capable of a beautiful birth experience

You are capable of so much more than you realise and your body is too! Pregnancy Yoga will help to strengthen your connection to your body, to your instincts and to your inner wisdom. These skills will empower you throughout your labour and motherhood too!

5. Learn yoga flows to combat stiffness, aches, pains and uncomfortable postures

Pregnancy Yoga is a wonderful way to strengthen, lengthen and tone your muscles. It can help to relieve pregnancy-related ailments and physical discomforts such as pelvic or lower back pain, sciatica and general muscle stiffness.

6. Gives you the space to focus on your baby, your body and your mind

A Pregnancy Yoga practice will help to educate you on the pregnancy and birthing process, plus it gives you time to bond with your unborn baby. Quieten your mind, forget about everything else that is going on and just focus on you and your baby.

7. It can help to improve sleep

Yoga allows you to relax and slow down. It helps to reduce anxiety, reduce stress hormones and hopefully eases you into a good night's sleep!

8. Supports your changing body

Your body changes a lot during pregnancy and at a very fast speed. Pregnancy yoga can be tailored to support you during each trimester. Adaptations, different postures and props can be used to support each stage and to give your body what it needs.

9. Feeling empowered throughout your pregnancy

Pregnancy Yoga is a wonderful way to empower yourself in the lead-up to giving birth.

It allows you to connect to yourself and your inner wisdom, enabling you to feel more comfortable and confident in your pregnancy and your birth journey. It's a very powerful feeling!

If it sounds like something you would like to try, please check out my (On Demand) Online Pregnancy Yoga Course. It has everything you need for a mindful and comfortable pregnancy and will certainly prepare you for the birth you most truly deserve.

You can find all the details here.

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